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For-Minecraft.com » Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition » TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE 1.12/1.13

TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE 1.12/1.13

Today's TOP 5 is dedicated to the latest addons for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. As always, the addons presented below have a different thematic focus and affect different aspects of the game. There are new water mobs, ores, craft recipes, quarry-like drills, and even updated animations instead of usual falling to the ground.

Ore Chickens (by iEmotionless Gaming)

So, the first addon is the chickens that took two basic features from ores and simple hens. The addon adds new types of chickens with an amazing ability to lay ores instead of eggs. If you build an autofarm, ore chickens can provide you with endless supply of ores.

Spawn Recipes (by MitchellDawud03)

You no longer need creative inventory to get Minecraft spawn eggs. Using the presented addon, simply craft the necessary eggs using crafting table and the necessary crafting components. Very simple and fast.

Aquatic+ (find out the details) (by LegitDragonb0y)

MCPE oceans are a unique habitat where many species of fish and plants have settled. Aquatic + adds even more creatures, most of which are large predatory fish with their own behavior and manners.

Working Drills (find out the details) (by real_cr21)

Drills are tools created for the extraction of ores in large volumes. They do not require the constant presence of player, this is a fairly functional mechanism with excellent drilling properties. There are 5 types of drills that differ in basic parameters such as strength, depth and width of drilling.

TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE
TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE
TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE
TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE
TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE
TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE

Death Animation (find out the details) (by Team Tolol)

Speaking of animations, you never thought that mobs in Minecraft PE 1.12 and 1.13 could die so realistically. No matter how it sounds, but now mobs can smoothly fall, bend limbs, fly to heaven or fall into hell. Just go to the full post or download and install the addon to see for yourself how it looks.

YT showcase:

How to install the Addon Pack?

1. Open the file (.mcpack) using Minecraft PE.
2. Activate the addon (world or game settings).

Download TOP 5 Addons Pack for Minecraft PE 1.12 & 1.13


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