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For-Minecraft.com » Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition » IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE is a global mod for MCPE which is a very accurate PC copy of IndustrialCraft. It contains the basic mechanisms, generators, and energy.


1. Texture, interface and mechanisms are made exactly as in the IC2 classic;
2. Compatibility with all other Core Engine mods including Thaumcraft PE.
3. This is a beta version. It contains a relatively small content and may be present errors.
4. Portuguese translation.

The mod will quickly develop, as well as represents the project with open API for add-ons. Link to github: https://github.com/zheka2304/industrial_core/.

v2.1 (release soon):

b) Compressed air capsules.
Made from empty capsules in the compressor. The capsule can be emptied in the extractor.
c) Added canned food and canning machinery.
In the future, the quantum suit will itself restore the satiety of the player if there are canned food in the inventory.
d) Added a blast furnace and a solid-fuel heat generator.

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

e) Steel production.
Now, steel production requires:
1. Heat generator
2. Blast furnace.
3. Compressed air.
4. Patience.
At the moment there are 2 types of heat generators: solid fuel and electric. New types will be added in the future. Fuel heat generator consumes any combustible items, like a conventional furnace, and produces 20 thermal energy units. Ash is produced as a by-product. Ashes will be used for fertilizer production.
g) Added the ability to customize the ore generation parameters in the config.
i) Added an utilizer black list. It includes: a glass panel, a stick, all kinds of snow. These items can be recycled, but they do not give a scrap.

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

v2.0 - Pre-Release 7:
Added ore scanners.
Displays a list of ores in a given radius. For a conventional scanner this is 3 blocks, 6 for improved one.
Reworked drilling rig.
Previously, it was unfinished and dug only down. Now it supports scanners, and digs out nearby ores in a radius depending on the scanner used.
Added scuba helmet and improved microchips for quantum helmet crafting.
Quantum chestplate now extinguishes the owner.
Added sandstone and red sandstone crushing recipes, as well as steps from them.
Added Portuguese translation.
Fixed many bugs such as:

Mechanisms do not drop when breaking with key.
All tool related bugs.
Models of turning mechanisms did not work.
Quantum helmet did not check all inventory slots when it was looking for canned goods.
v2.0 - Pre-Release 6:
Added a hazmat suit.
A scuba helmet uses compressed air capsules from the inventory (obtained in the compressor) to replenish the air supply underwater.
Rubber boots reduce the damage from falling by 8 times.
The complete suit set protects against poisoning and has protection like diamond armor. However, it is better not to wear it for battles with mobs - the suit will break after receiving a total of 64 damage.
A quantum helmet is also now capable of replenishing air reserves, but uses 1000 Eu for this.
Hydrogenerator and windmill crafting recipes changed. Now they need a coil and 2 steel shells for the hydrogenerator.
Many bug fixes.
Crafting recipes:

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

v2.0 - Pre-Release 5:

Added canning machine. Consume 1 Eu/t, is used to fill cans with food obtained by extruding a tin shell in a metalformer. 1 can restores 1 unit of hunger, but they are eaten all at once. Also, they can be obtained from boxes of recycling with a small chance. If the rotten flesh, spiders eye, poisonous potatoes or raw chicken are preserved, then the description of the object will say: "It looks inedible ...", and the food will have their negative effects.
Added a tank. It stores 16 buckets of liquid, supports upgrades to move objects and liquids.
Added the "Liquid Loader" improvement.
Added a cooling capsule. Crafted from a bubble or water capsule and 4 tin plates. Used for accelerator crafting.
Added an utilizer black list. It includes: a glass panel, a stick, all kinds of snow. These items can be recycled, but they do not give a scrap.
The MFSU storage increased from 40 to 60 million EU. Now you will have more powerful sources of energy to fill it.
Added recipes for the enrichment of uranium ore in thermal centrifuge.
When processing lead ore in a thermal centrifuge, silver is obtained instead of copper as an additional product.
When falling with a jetpack, damage is calculated based on the fall speed.
Improved arrangement of elements in mechanisms interfaces (alignment in the center, etc.).
Many fixes.

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE


v2.0 - Pre-Release 4:

This technical update fixes a lot of bugs and contains long-overdue changes.
Added ChargeItem library for compatibility of objects storing energy from different IC mods.
The rendering methods of machine models are moved to the MachineRender library.
Now, the ore generation will be turned off if it is already added by another mod using the Flags library to add unique actions.
Increased the amount of lead and uranium ore in worlds.
The mechanisms improvements did not work.
The solar panels did not work.
The composite glass was opaque.
The old energy distribution system is returned because of bugs.
Wires, lamps and other incomplete blocks disappeared in the distance.
Wires no longer connect to the iron furnace.

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

v2.0 - Pre-Release 3:
Added electrolamp, consumes 0.25 Eu/t and has a storage 5000 Ee, which is enough for almost a day's work. Turned on/off by pressing the block. It is needed for the night vision goggles crafting.
The energy between the mechanisms is evenly distributed.
Battery icons show the amount of energy stored in them.
Saving additional item data.
Added hover mode for jetpack and quantum chestplate. In this mode, the player slowly falls down without getting any damage.
Fixed config.
Added the ability to change the size of the armor buttons in the config.
The speed of running in quantum pants became even faster.
Latex droplets now appear on certain blocks of hevea, and are not saved during their extraction
Added alternative crafting recipes (for example, obsidian from 2 water capsules and 2 lava capsules).
Fixed thermal centrifuge crafting.
Fixed fluid loss when using the improved "Liquid Pusher".
Scanners, mining laser and drilling rig will be completed in the release version.

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

v2.0 - Pre-Release 2:

Added a pump. At the moment it can extract only a block of water under itself, in the future the functionality will be expanded. Power consumption - 1 Eu/t, working time - 1 sec. If you add an Ejector Liquid improvement, it can send water to an ore washing plant.

Added thermal centrifuge. Used for refining crushed ore from impurities of other metals. Is the only way to get silver.
Requires silver dust for fiberglass crafting.
The solar panel has an interface in which you can charge items.
The matter generator can be turned off using the redstone signal.
Ability to drain liquid from capsules.
The generation of copper and tin ores has become closer to the PC version.
Batbox can be obtained by hand, also fixed a bug when the wrench did not spend strength, and the electric wrench did not spend energy to dismantle it.
The ToolType library has been updated.
A lot of bug fixes.

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

v2.0 - Pre-Release:

Added crushed ores, refined crushed ores, small piles of dust, silver.
Added ore washing plant. Allows you to get more resources from the crushed ore, uses water. Consumes 8 Eu/t.
Added animation for mechanisms. It changes when the mechanism is turned on.
Added recipes for obtaining rubber from hevea seeds and bleaching the wool in the extractor.
Added recipes for compressing resources and bricks into blocks and sand into sandstone for compressor.
Added recipe for crushing ice into 4 snowballs.
Bug fixes and optimization.
The pump, the thermal centrifuge, the scanners and the mining laser are in the creative inv, however they can not be crafted and used yet.
Also, all opaque blocks are changed to another specialty, so they will not conflict with blocks from other IC mods (forestry e.g.), they no longer disappear in the distance and various objects (doors, plates, etc.) can be put on them, however such change break your old worlds.

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 for Minecraft PE

Previous versions:



Crafting recipes:





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Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.05 for Minecraft Pocket Edition
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.06 for Minecraft Pocket Edition
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.07 (PE 1.0.3)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.08
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.09
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.09.2
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.09.3
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.09.4
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v1.10
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 2 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 3 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 4 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 5 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 6 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 7 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 8 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Beta 9 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 2 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 3 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 4 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 5 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 6 (IC)
Download IndustrialCraft PE mod v2.0 Pre-Release 7 (IC)


Hdjdjjsj (6 February 2023 23:57)
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wyattt (26 October 2021 13:09)
Group: Guest
hi it works biy
Angry boi (16 August 2021 17:22)
Group: Guest
can you even launch it in minecraft
Anoop (26 July 2021 00:57)
Group: Guest
Good op cry nice
Mohamad (15 June 2021 09:57)
Group: Guest
Ice cream
Riski (26 November 2020 20:57)
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عبودي (11 October 2020 22:54)
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