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For-Minecraft.com » Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition » CommandCraft mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.10.4

CommandCraft mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.10.4

CommandCraft mod adds 30 new commands in the game. Commands implement functions such as: switching game modes, the ability to teleport to specific coordinates, add your character's health, and many other things and it's all available with simple text commands.

However, the text commands Minecraft PE is still far behind the PC version, but that should not stop you, because with mods you can easily get around this.

/ about - displays a brief message about the mode

/ help [page]

/ biome - information about the biome in which you are

/ clear - clears the inventory (works in survival)

/ dropitem [damage] - start dropping your desired object ID within the specified coordinates

/ entity

/ blockdata - displays information about the selected block

/ explode - creates an explosion at the selected coordinates

/ fly - flight mode on / off

/ fov - sets the field of view

/ gamemode [0/1] - switching survival / creative

/ me - command role-playing games

/ gamespeed - increases or decreases the speed of the game

/ give [damage] - give something good

/ heal - Heals

/ health [set / add] - sets the health of a certain amount or adds to the current level of the heart

/ coords - shows your current position

/ ignite - put yourself on fire on x seconds

/ itemdata - displays information about the object at the moment

/ spawnpoint - sets your current position in spawnpoint

/ ip - check ip, available only on local servers

/ kill - makes your health to 0 = death!

/ name - shows your name

/ playsound - Plays a sound to your taste

/ print - displays a message in the chat

/ say - chat message from your name

/ time [set | add] - sets the time of day: day, afternoon, evening, midnight

/ stop - out of the game

/ summon [skin] - causes mobs

/ tile [destroy]

/ title

/ tp - teleport to the specified coordinates

/ version - shows the version of the game

/ world - shows the name of the current world

Download Commandcraft-v3.0.1.js.zip


Niels (2 March 2016 04:29)
Group: Guest
This is all fake shit
Me (8 November 2015 15:59)
Group: Guest
shanseverino (28 October 2015 04:23)
Group: Guest
Fucking cheat it's not working
Irvin (28 August 2015 15:00)
Group: Guest
Doesn't work ... I have a poem for you... Roses are red , violets are blue , I have five fingers and the middle one is for you
BlockBlock (20 May 2015 08:10)
Group: Guest
It doesnt work for me
Lady_MunMun22 (9 May 2015 23:48)
Group: Guest
It doesn't work. Liars. angry
Kenneth delacerna (3 April 2015 14:40)
Group: Guest
i love this commands my brother is shock why me a creative

i love this command my brothers is shocking why only me a creative others is survival
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