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For-Minecraft.com » Mods for Minecraft Pocket Edition » Magical Crops Mod v1.2 Release for Minecraft PE

Magical Crops Mod v1.2 Release for Minecraft PE

Magical Crops is a huge collection of new plants as well as special agricultural mechanisms and tools. If you want to develop your farm and grow not only carrots and potatoes but many other agricultural crops then try this mod. In fact, it's Magical Crops mod for Minecraft Java and now, thanks to the efforts of several mod makers, the mod was successfully ported to Minecraft PE (Bedrock Edition).
By: sindronik

Changelog v1.2 Release:

Moving to the new version of the Harvest Core and PlantModel libraries
Added plants and furnace particles (can be disabled in config)

Plants and Seeds:

Here is a short description of what is inside of this modification. Plants and seeds (there are a lot of them) are divided into different groups and can give you a harvest with proper care. If you take care of your crops, then the plants themselves will grow very quickly and yield.

Farm Mechanisms:

If you are lazy and do not want to water the plants then build a watering machine, it will automatically irrigate the nearest plants and eventually there will be growth. There are also mechanisms for harvesting directly from the fields, which is very convenient when you are absent.

Magical Crops:

There is a more complex group of plants called magical cultures that require essences for crafting. The mod contains a lot of new items, including new weapons and armor, not to mention those things that are involved in the production of crops.

Below are the crafting recipes (not all yet). Important: The Magical Crops Mod improves and its creator needs your help, report the bugs you found. Magical Crops PE is perfectly compatible with Pam's Harvest Craft PE, we advise you to install it in addition.

How to install the Magical Crops mod?

1. Download the mod and InnerCore.
X. You must have any version of MCPE installed.
2. Open the mod using IC or move the mod to the IC mods folder.
3. Start the game.

Download Magical Crops Mod v1.0 for Minecraft PE
Download Magical Crops Mod v1.2 Release for Minecraft PE


Mhamad (15 August 2019 07:51)
Group: Guest
sindronik (29 November 2017 13:40)
EnderShield, Recipes are wrong, see the recipes here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXq6P-zPCRc

The recipes that are listed above they are from the old mods magical crops 3, and this port is a mods magical crops 4...
EnderShield (27 November 2017 03:41)
Group: Guest
The recipe for crafting the tier 1 seed is error! Pls fix it!

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